News Archive
Workshop on Environmental Modeling - Fluid Flow and Transport Phenomena
inserted by: Radek Fučík (03.06.2024 20:49:38)
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This event is a collaborative scientific workshop bringing together researchers from the Czech Republic and the United States, featuring special guests from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC). The primary aim is to foster international collaboration, share research findings, and discuss advancements in scientific fields of mutual interest, namely fluid flow, transport mechanisms, phase transitions, and interactions between land and atmosphere.
June 12, 2024
Lecture hall T-101
Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering
Czech Technical University in Prague
Trojanova 13
120 00 Praha 2
Doctoral days
inserted by: Zuzana Masáková (11.10.2018 08:52:31)link: | |
Workshop for Ph.D. students of Mathematical Engineering is held at the Department of Mathematics FNSPE on November 10 and 24, 2023.
inserted by: Radek Fučík (12.01.2023 15:52:21)
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On Thursday, January 19, 2023, at 2:00 pm in T-101, the Mathematical Modelling Group (MMG) will hold a seminar on the occasion of the visit of Prof. Tissa H. Illangasekare to Dept. of Mathematics, FNSPE CTU in Prague.
All students and staff are invited to the seminar! The programme of the seminar is in the attached pdf.
inserted by: Čestmír Burdík (03.11.2022 08:40:24)link: | |
The XII. International Symposium on Quantum Theory and Symmetries (QTS12) will be held at Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic, from Monday July 24 until Friday July 28, 2023. The Symposium series “Quantum Theory and Symmetries” (QTS) is a biannual meeting intended for physicists and mathematicians who are either applying symmetries to some physical model, or are studying mathematical objects that are relevant for physical applications. Due to simmilar topics, as a sub-event we will host also XXVII. International Conference on Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries (ISQS27).
inserted by: Čestmír Burdík (03.11.2022 08:44:53)link: | |
The XII. International Symposium on Quantum Theory and Symmetries (QTS12) will be held at Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic, from Monday July 24 until Friday July 28, 2023. The Symposium series “Quantum Theory and Symmetries” (QTS) is a biannual meeting intended for physicists and mathematicians who are either applying symmetries to some physical model, or are studying mathematical objects that are relevant for physical applications. Due to simmilar topics, as a sub-event we will host also XXVII. International Conference on Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries (ISQS27).
CTU in Prague joins SIAM Student Chapter Prague.
inserted by: Václav Klika (16.10.2020 15:39:30)link: | |
Czech Technical University in Prague has become a member of the SIAM Student Chapter Prague, a student association supported by the worldwide professional organization of applied mathematicians, the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM). The Chapter's main aims encompass fostering collaboration among Ph.D. students of applied mathematics and related fields, building contacts with experts from the commercial sector across disciplines, and promoting applied mathematics in general. The Chapter organizes and supports regular seminars, specialized courses, and workshops, among other activities, with the goal of promoting the exchange of ideas among mathematicians, engineers, and natural scientists. Students affiliated with the Chapter are automatically entitled to become SIAM members for free.
For additional details, see the Chapter’s webpage ( or reach out directly to:
- Mark Dostalík, President of the SIAM Student Chapter Prague,
- Jan Zeman, Faculty of Civil Engineering, CTU in Prague,
- Václav Klika, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CTU in Prague,
Study materials for preliminary course in MATH
inserted by: Matěj Tušek (14.09.2020 18:25:08)attached file: | ![]() |
Successful participation of FNSPE students at the First Al-Khorezmi International Mathematical Olympiad
inserted by: Matěj Tušek (07.11.2018 21:45:24)
Seminar at Math Dep. - Marco Marletta - October 9
inserted by: Matěj Tušek (04.10.2018 22:06:04)link: | |
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Lecture of Robert Straka on LBM
inserted by: Radek Fučík (12.10.2017 09:00:43)
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Thursday Oct 19 2017 at 3:30 pm, room T-201.
Michael R. Plampin lecture
inserted by: Radek Fučík (27.09.2017 11:40:19)
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Thursday Oct 5 2017 at 3:30 pm, room T-201.
Denis Headon- Signalling and Cellular Inputs to Spatial Patterning of the Skin
inserted by: Václav Klika (11.04.2017 15:45:34)link: | |
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Biologist Denis Headon (Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh) will present a talk about development of repeating pattern in particular biological problem, see the attachment.
MAFIA seminar
inserted by: Matěj Tušek (22.03.2016 14:32:37)Program for the Development of Global Human Resources in Mathematical and Physical Sciences 2015
inserted by: Radek Fučík (06.03.2015 09:24:39)link: | |
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The Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology of Kanazawa University is pleased to announce its Programs for the Master’s Degree and Ph.D. Degree in Natural Science and Technology with a special course in English and scholarship for overseas students with outstanding scholastic ability. Students who are accepted will be awarded a Japanese Government Scholarship through the financial support of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Monbukagakusho:MEXT).
Department of Math and Terence Tao
inserted by: Milan Krbálek (27.11.2014 11:03:04)Article Statistical properties of the city transport in Cuernavaca (Mexico) and random matrix ensembles (by Milan Krbálek and Petr Šeba) is included in the book Komplexität und Universalität (Die weltweit besten mathematischen Artikel im 21. Jahrhundert) by famous matematician Terence Tao.
GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program (annoucement)
inserted by: Milan Krbálek (25.11.2014 15:12:34)attached file: | ![]() |
Doctoral Days 2013
inserted by: Zuzana Masáková (09.11.2012 10:50:55)link: | |
The eight workshop Doctoral Days devoted to the Ph.D. students of Mathematical Engineering of FNSPE CTU is held at the Department of Mathematics FNSPE on November 15 and 22, 2013.
The workshop is open for public.
Details can be found at
Admission to PhD Programmes at FNSPE (annoucement)
inserted by: Zuzana Masáková (28.02.2013 12:45:30)attached file: | ![]() |
Two seminars in mathematical biology. Dr E A Gaffney from University of Oxford
inserted by: Václav Klika (24.09.2012 22:24:50)link: | |
Eamonn A Gaffney will give two talks about mathematical biology during his visit at our department. He is a member of the well-known Centre of Mathematical Biology founded by J D Murray and now headed by Philip Maini.
Tue 2.10. from 14.00 in T-207:Aspects of Turings Pattern Formation Mechanism: Growing Domains and Gene Expression Dynamics
Abstract: The prospect of long range signalling by diffusible morphogens initiating large scale pattern formation has been contemplated since the initial work of Turing in the 1950s and has been explored theoretically and experimentally in numerous developmental settings. However, Turings pattern formation mechanism exhibits sensitivity to the details of the initial conditions suggesting that, in isolation, it cannot robustly generate pattern within noisy biological environments. Aspects of developmental self-organisation, in particular a growing domain, have been suggested as a mechanism for robustly inducing a sequential cascade of self-organisation, thus circumventing the difficulties of sensitivity. This proposition is explored in detail for Turings model especially on the inclusion of further biological aspects, for example, gene expression dynamics.
Fri 5.10. from 9.30 in T-101:Exploring the mechanics of swimming flagellates
Abstract: Mammalian spermotozoa motility is a subject of growing importance, due to rising human infertility and the possibility of improving animal breeding for livestock and conservation, while understanding how bacterial motility contributes to colonisation and biofilm initiation is of fundamental concern in numerous fields. Fluid and continuum dynamics offers many opportunities to provide novel insights concerning the mechanics of such swimming cells. Examples of the information that can be extracted by combining imaging and fluid dynamics will be highlighted together with its mechanical interpretation. In addition, we will explore the influence of sperm cell flagellar compliance in highly viscous media and its impact on swimming behaviours as well as investigating how the rotating bacterial flagellar helix influences prokaryotic cell behaviours near surfaces.
Zapojte se s námi do spolupráce se středními školami
inserted by: Ľubomíra Dvořáková (24.09.2011 14:42:11)
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Jste studentem Jaderky a myslíte si, že jít na tuto školu byla dobrá volba?
Pokud je odpověď ne, pak nemusíte číst dál.
Říkáte-li ano, pak právě vás potřebujeme!
Pomozte nám šířit dobré jméno FJFI na středních školách! Zapojte se do projektu Přednášky a SOČ (středoškolská odborná činnost), kterého se zatím účastní zaměstnanci a doktorandi FJFI (viz sekce Pro střední školy). Ten správný elán a nápady můžete ovšem dodat jedině vy!
Rádi vysvětlujete? Umíte předávat své myšlenky dál? Připravte si nějakou pěknou přednášku z fyziky, informatiky, chemie či matematiky a vyjeďte s ní na střední školu, kterou téma zaujme.
Máte plnou hlavu témat, která se vám zdají nesmírně zajímavá a na kterých byste rádi pracovali? Přizvěte k této práci několik středoškoláků! Sami uvidíte, že když se vám podaří je pro projekt nadchnout, budou pracovat s velkým nasazením a společně pak třeba dovedete SOČku k vítězství v krajském či celorepublikovém kole.
A co za to? Potřebujeme především nadšence a ne lidi, kteří by propagaci dělali pro peníze. Finanční odměna je tedy pouze symbolická. Obrovským přínosem je ovšem získaná zkušenost v přednášení a vedení středoškolských studentů.
Těším se na spolupráci s vámi a ráda poskytnu veškeré další informace.
Ľubomíra Balková (