prof. Ing. Jiří Mikyška, Ph.D.
e-mail: | show e-mail |
telephone: | +420 778 546 054 |
room: | 109b |
www: | |

Matematické modelování transportu hmoty a tepla v kontextu ukládání tepelné energie
advisor: | doc. Ing. Jiří Mikyška, Ph.D. |
e-mail: | show e-mail |
type: | phd thesis |
branch of study: | MI_MM |
key words: | transport látek a tepla, porézní prostředí, termochemické materiály, materiály s fázovou přeměnou, ukládání tepelné ener |
link: | |
description: | Skladování tepelné energie je důležitou součástí využívání obnovitelných zdrojů energie. Návrh a optimalizace účinných akumulátorů tepla na bázi materiálů s fázovou přeměnou (PCM), termálních kapalin, nebo termochemických materiálů (TCM) vyžaduje podrobnou znalost odpovídajících materiálů a procesů. Náplní práce bude studium a vývoj nových matematických modelů popisujících procesy transportu hmoty a tepla v kombinaci s chemickou reakcí v porézních termochemických materiálech, případně nukleaci z pevné fáze v podchlazených materiálech s fázovou přeměnou. Může se jednat např. o model transportu vodní páry a tepla v porézním prostředí. Bude uvažována neizotermální situace, kdy molekuly vody se mohou sorbovat na povrchu porézního prostředí, což je doprovázeno uvolňováním tepelné energie. Adsorpce vodní páry může být ovlivněna přítomností dalších látek, což se projeví na příslušné sorpční izotermě. Téma práce navazuje na řešení grantu GAČR 17-08218S s názvem Materiály pro skladování tepelné energie: termofyzikální charakterizace pro návrh akumulátorů tepla řešeného ve spolupráci s Ústavem termomechaniky AV ČR a Ústavem chemických procesů AV ČR. Výsledky modelu tak budou moci býti validovány oproti datům naměřeným v těchto ústavech, příp. na dalších pracovištích v zahraničí (TU Eindhoven). |
references: | [1] A. Abedin, M. Rosen: A critical review of thermochemical energy storage systems, The Open Renewable Energy Journal, 4 (2014), 42-46. [2] H. Mehling, L. F. Cabeza: Heat and cold storage with PCM, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008 [3] N. Catolico, S. Ge, J. S. McCartney, Numerical modeling of a soil-borehole thermal energy storage system, Vadose Zone Journal, doi:10.2136/vzj2015.05.0078 [4] S. Pal, M. R. Hajj, W. P. Wong, I. K. Puri: Thermal energy storage in porous materials with adsorption and desorption of moisture, Int. J. Heat Mass Transf., 69 (2014) 285-292 [5] B. Mette, H. Kerskes, H. Drueck, H. Mueller-Steinhagen: Experimental and numerical investigations on the water vapor adsorption isotherms and kinetics of binderless zeolite 13X, Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 71 (2014), 555-561. |
last update: | 18.05.2017 13:55:01 |
Matematické modelování transportu komponent vícesložkové směsi a fázových rozhraní v porézním prostředí
advisor: | doc. Ing. Jiří Mikyška, Ph.D. |
e-mail: | show e-mail |
type: | phd thesis |
branch of study: | MI_MM |
key words: | vícefázové proudění, lokální termodynamická rovnováha, difuze ve vícesložkovém systému, kapilarita |
link: | |
description: | Náplní práce bude vývoj numerického modelu transportu komponent vícesložkové směsi v porézním prostředí včetně simulace pohybu fázových rozhraní. Rozdělení komponent směsi mezi fáze bude popsáno za předpokladu lokální termodynamické rovnováhy prostředky rovnovážné termodynamiky. Jedná se o hraniční téma kombinující poznatky z mechaniky tekutin, termodynamiky kontinua a numerické matematiky. Cílem práce bude vybudovat matematicky korektní formulaci modelu kombinující popis transportu jednotlivých komponent směsi s popisem přestupu komponent přes fázové rozhraní. Při konstrukci modelu budou využity nové formulace problémů fázové stability a termodynamické rovnováhy vícesložkové směsi nedávno vyvinuté školitelem ve spolupráci se studenty FJFI. Pohyb fázového rozhraní bude popsán pomocí vrstevnicové metody (level-set method). Výsledný model bude diskretizován moderními numerickými metodami využívající pokročilé partie metody konečných prvků (smíšené a smíšeně hybridní formulace MKP, nespojitá Galerkinova metoda) a testován na modelových příkladech, případně na laboratorních datech dodaných spolupracující organizací (Reservoir Engineering Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA). |
references: | A. Firoozabadi: Thermodynamics of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, McGrew Hill, 1999. Polívka, O., and Mikyška, J., Compositional Modeling in Porous Media using Constant Volume Flash and Flux Computation without the Need for Phase Identification, Journal of Computational Physics, 272: 149–169, 2014. Mikyška, J., and Firoozabadi, A., Investigation of Mixture Stability at Given Volume, Temperature, and Number of Moles, Fluid Phase Equilibria, Vol. 321 (May 15, 2012), pp. 1–9, 2012. Mikyška, J., and Firoozabadi, A, A New Thermodynamic Function for Phase-Splitting at Constant Temperature, Moles, and Volume, AICHE Journal 57 (2011) , 1897-1904. Mikyška, J. and Firoozabadi, A., Implementation of Higher-Order Methods for Robust and Efficient Compositional Simulation, Journal of Computational Physics 229 (2010) , 2898-2913. |
last update: | 21.05.2018 12:37:23 |
Metody globální optimalizace v termodynamice vícesložkových směsí
advisor: | doc. Ing. Jiří Mikyška, Ph.D. |
e-mail: | show e-mail |
type: | phd thesis |
branch of study: | MI_MM, MI_AMSM, MINF |
key words: | globální optimalizace, metoda větví a mezí, intervalová aritmetika, termodynamika vícesložkových směsí |
description: | Tématem práce bude vývoj nových metod pro testování fázové stability a výpočty fázových rovnováh vícesložkových směsí. Běžně používané přístupy jsou založeny na lokálních metodách a není tedy zaručeno, že získané řešení je globálním optimem příslušného termodynamického potenciálu. Práce tedy bude zaměřena na využití metod globální optimalizace (metoda větví a mezí, DC rozklady, metody intervalové aritmetiky) k řešení těchto problémů. Jedná se problematiku, která je na našem pracovišti již částečně rozpracována [1] pro případ směsi jednoduchých alkanů a CO2, které lze popsat jednoduchými kubickými stavovými rovnicemi. Cílem bude prozkoumat možnosti rozšíření těchto metod i na složitější systémy popsané složitějšími stavovými rovnicemi - např. tzv. CPA rovnicí (Cubic Plus Association equation of state - kubická rovnice s dodatečným členem popisujícím asociaci) nebo na systémy u nichž dochází k vytvoření pevné fáze (mrznoucí voda, hydráty metanu, apod.). Tyto problémy budou řešeny v rámci projektu GAČR 21-09093S Multiphase flow, transport, and structural changes related to water freezing and thawing in the subsurface. |
references: | [1] T. Smejkal, J. Mikyška: VTN-phase stability testing using the Branch and Bound strategy and the convex-concave splitting of the Helmholtz free energy density, Fluid Phase Equilibria, Vol.504, Article no. 112323, 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.fluid.2019.112323, IF 2.514 [2] R. E. Moore, R. B. Kearfott, Michael J. Cloud: Introduction to Interval Analysis, SIAM 2009 [3] G. M. Kontogeorgis, G. K. Folas: Thermodynamic models for industrial applications, from classical and advanced mixing rules to association theories, John Wiley & Sons, 2010. |
last update: | 28.03.2021 07:29:03 |
Matematické modelování proudění v nenasycené zóně
advisor: | doc. Ing. Jiří Mikyška, Ph.D. |
e-mail: | show e-mail |
type: | bachelor thesis, master thesis |
branch of study: | MI_MM, MI_AMSM, MINF |
key words: | proudění v porézním prostředí, Richardsova rovnice |
description: | Transport vody v nenasycené zóně v podzemí je popsán Richardsovou rovnicí, která zahrnuje vliv kapilarity a gravitace. Tuto nelineární rovnici lze formulovat a řešit různými způsoby. Náplní práce bude prostudovat dostupné formulace a metody řešení a navrhnout a implementovat metodu, která umožní výpočet proudění podzemní vody jak v nenasycené zóně, tak v zóně pod volnou hladinou. Téma lze postupně rozšiřovat (např. na plný dvoufázový model) a studovat vlivy různých parametrů na výsledné proudění (možná aplikace na problémy související s ukládáním CO2 do podzemí). |
references: | J. Bear: Modeling Phenomena of Flow and Transport in Porous Media, Springer, 2018 V. Casulli, P. Zanolli, A nested Newton-type algorithm for finite volume methods solving Richards\' equation in mixed form, SIAM J. Sci. Comput. Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 2255-2273, 2010. |
note: | Detaily tématu a jeho přesnější zaměření bude záviset na domluvě studenta se školitelem. |
last update: | 07.06.2022 14:17:42 |
V3S Database
The application records results of science and research, and other academic activities. The V3S application serves as a tool for submitting data to the RIV database, exporting data for statistic analyses, and internal evaluation of research.
List of publications in V3S
Polívka, O. and Mikyška, J., Compositional Modeling in Porous Media Using Constant Volume Flash and Flux Computation without the Need for Phase Identification, Journal of Computational Physics 272 (2014) , 149-169
title = {{Compositional Modeling in Porous Media Using Constant Volume Flash and Flux Computation without the Need for Phase Identification}},
author = {Pol{\'\i}vka, O. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
journal = {Journal of Computational Physics},
year = {2014},
volume = {272},
pages = {149--169},
month = {September}
title = {{Compositional Modeling in Porous Media Using Constant Volume Flash and Flux Computation without the Need for Phase Identification}},
author = {Pol{\'\i}vka, O. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
journal = {Journal of Computational Physics},
year = {2014},
volume = {272},
pages = {149--169},
month = {September}
Jindrová, T. and Mikyška, J., Fast and Robust Algorithm for Calculation of Two-Phase Equilibria at Given Volume, Temperature, and Moles, Fluid Phase Equilibria 353 (2013) , 101-114
title = {{Fast and Robust Algorithm for Calculation of Two-Phase Equilibria at Given Volume, Temperature, and Moles}},
author = {Jindrov{\' a}, T. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
journal = {Fluid Phase Equilibria},
year = {2013},
volume = {353},
pages = {101--114},
month = {September}
title = {{Fast and Robust Algorithm for Calculation of Two-Phase Equilibria at Given Volume, Temperature, and Moles}},
author = {Jindrov{\' a}, T. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
journal = {Fluid Phase Equilibria},
year = {2013},
volume = {353},
pages = {101--114},
month = {September}
Mikyška, J. and Firoozabadi, A., Investigation of mixture stability at given volume, temperature, and number of moles, Fluid Phase Equilibria 321 (2012) , 1-9
title = {{Investigation of mixture stability at given volume, temperature, and number of moles}},
author = {Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Firoozabadi, A.},
journal = {Fluid Phase Equilibria},
year = {2012},
volume = {321},
pages = {1--9},
month = {May 2012}
title = {{Investigation of mixture stability at given volume, temperature, and number of moles}},
author = {Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Firoozabadi, A.},
journal = {Fluid Phase Equilibria},
year = {2012},
volume = {321},
pages = {1--9},
month = {May 2012}
Polívka, O. and Mikyška, J., Numerical simulation of multicomponent compressible flow in porous medium, Journal of Math-for-Industry 3 (2011) , 53-60
title = {{Numerical simulation of multicomponent compressible flow in porous medium}},
author = {Pol{\'\i}vka, O. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
journal = {Journal of Math-for-Industry},
year = {2011},
volume = {3},
pages = {53--60}
title = {{Numerical simulation of multicomponent compressible flow in porous medium}},
author = {Pol{\'\i}vka, O. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
journal = {Journal of Math-for-Industry},
year = {2011},
volume = {3},
pages = {53--60}
Mikyška, J. and Firoozabadi, A., Application of High-Resolution Methods in Compositional Simulations, Procedia Computer Science 4 (2011) , 928-937
title = {{Application of High-Resolution Methods in Compositional Simulations}},
author = {Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Firoozabadi, A.},
journal = {Procedia Computer Science},
year = {2011},
volume = {4},
number = {4},
pages = {928--937},
month = {6}
title = {{Application of High-Resolution Methods in Compositional Simulations}},
author = {Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Firoozabadi, A.},
journal = {Procedia Computer Science},
year = {2011},
volume = {4},
number = {4},
pages = {928--937},
month = {6}
Mikyška, J. and Firoozabadi, A., A New Thermodynamic Function for Phase-Splitting at Constant Temperature, Moles, and Volume, AICHE Journal 57 (2011) , 1897-1904
title = {{A New Thermodynamic Function for Phase-Splitting at Constant Temperature, Moles, and Volume}},
author = {Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Firoozabadi, A.},
journal = {AICHE Journal},
year = {2011},
volume = {57},
number = {7},
pages = {1897--1904},
month = {July 2011}
title = {{A New Thermodynamic Function for Phase-Splitting at Constant Temperature, Moles, and Volume}},
author = {Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Firoozabadi, A.},
journal = {AICHE Journal},
year = {2011},
volume = {57},
number = {7},
pages = {1897--1904},
month = {July 2011}
Fučík, R. and Mikyška, J., Numerical Investigation of Dynamic Capillary Pressure in Two-Phase Flow in Porous Medium, Mathematica Bohemica 136 (2011) , 395-403
title = {{Numerical Investigation of Dynamic Capillary Pressure in Two-Phase Flow in Porous Medium}},
author = {Fu{\v c}{\'\i}k, R. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
journal = {Mathematica Bohemica},
year = {2011},
volume = {136},
number = {4},
pages = {395--403}
title = {{Numerical Investigation of Dynamic Capillary Pressure in Two-Phase Flow in Porous Medium}},
author = {Fu{\v c}{\'\i}k, R. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
journal = {Mathematica Bohemica},
year = {2011},
volume = {136},
number = {4},
pages = {395--403}
Fučík, R. and Mikyška, J., Discontinuous Galerkin and Mixed-Hybrid Finite Element Approach to Two-Phase Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media with Different Capillary Pressures, Procedia Computer Science 4 (2011) , 908-917
title = {{Discontinuous Galerkin and Mixed-Hybrid Finite Element Approach to Two-Phase Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media with Different Capillary Pressures}},
author = {Fu{\v c}{\'\i}k, R. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
journal = {Procedia Computer Science},
year = {2011},
volume = {4},
number = {4},
pages = {908--917},
month = {6}
title = {{Discontinuous Galerkin and Mixed-Hybrid Finite Element Approach to Two-Phase Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media with Different Capillary Pressures}},
author = {Fu{\v c}{\'\i}k, R. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
journal = {Procedia Computer Science},
year = {2011},
volume = {4},
number = {4},
pages = {908--917},
month = {6}
Fučík, R. and Mikyška, J., Mixed-hybrid finite element method for modelling two-phase flow in porous media, Journal of Math-for-Industry 3 (2011) , 9-19
title = {{Mixed-hybrid finite element method for modelling two-phase flow in porous media}},
author = {Fu{\v c}{\'\i}k, R. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
journal = {Journal of Math-for-Industry},
year = {2011},
volume = {3},
pages = {9--19},
month = {12}
title = {{Mixed-hybrid finite element method for modelling two-phase flow in porous media}},
author = {Fu{\v c}{\'\i}k, R. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
journal = {Journal of Math-for-Industry},
year = {2011},
volume = {3},
pages = {9--19},
month = {12}
Mikyška, J. and Firoozabadi, A., Implementation of Higher-Order Methods for Robust and Efficient Compositional Simulation, Journal of Computational Physics 229 (2010) , 2898-2913
title = {{Implementation of Higher-Order Methods for Robust and Efficient Compositional Simulation}},
author = {Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Firoozabadi, A.},
journal = {Journal of Computational Physics},
year = {2010},
volume = {229},
number = {8},
pages = {2898--2913},
month = {April}
title = {{Implementation of Higher-Order Methods for Robust and Efficient Compositional Simulation}},
author = {Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Firoozabadi, A.},
journal = {Journal of Computational Physics},
year = {2010},
volume = {229},
number = {8},
pages = {2898--2913},
month = {April}
Fučík, R. and Mikyška, J. and Sakaki, T. and Beneš, M. and Illangasekare, TH, Significance of Dynamic Effect in Capillarity during Drainage Experiments in Layered Porous Media, Vadose Zone Journal 9 (2010) , 697-708
title = {{Significance of Dynamic Effect in Capillarity during Drainage Experiments in Layered Porous Media}},
author = {Fu{\v c}{\'\i}k, R. and Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Sakaki, T. and Bene{\v s}, M. and Illangasekare, TH},
journal = {Vadose Zone Journal},
year = {2010},
volume = {9},
number = {9},
pages = {697--708},
month = {AUG}
title = {{Significance of Dynamic Effect in Capillarity during Drainage Experiments in Layered Porous Media}},
author = {Fu{\v c}{\'\i}k, R. and Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Sakaki, T. and Bene{\v s}, M. and Illangasekare, TH},
journal = {Vadose Zone Journal},
year = {2010},
volume = {9},
number = {9},
pages = {697--708},
month = {AUG}
Mikyška, J. and Beneš, M. and Illangasekare, T. H., Numerical Investigation of NAPL Behavior at Heterogeneous Sand Layers Using VODA Multiphase Flow Code, Journal of Porous Media 12 (2009) , 685-694
title = {{Numerical Investigation of NAPL Behavior at Heterogeneous Sand Layers Using VODA Multiphase Flow Code}},
author = {Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Bene{\v s}, M. and Illangasekare, T. H.},
journal = {Journal of Porous Media},
year = {2009},
volume = {12},
number = {7},
pages = {685--694}
title = {{Numerical Investigation of NAPL Behavior at Heterogeneous Sand Layers Using VODA Multiphase Flow Code}},
author = {Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Bene{\v s}, M. and Illangasekare, T. H.},
journal = {Journal of Porous Media},
year = {2009},
volume = {12},
number = {7},
pages = {685--694}
Beneš, M. and Fučík, R. and Mikyška, J., Analytical and Numerical Solution for One-Dimensional Two-Phase Flow in Homogeneous Porous Medium, Journal of Porous Media 12 (2009) , 1139-1152
title = {{Analytical and Numerical Solution for One-Dimensional Two-Phase Flow in Homogeneous Porous Medium}},
author = {Bene{\v s}, M. and Fu{\v c}{\'\i}k, R. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
journal = {Journal of Porous Media},
year = {2009},
volume = {12},
number = {12},
pages = {1139--1152}
title = {{Analytical and Numerical Solution for One-Dimensional Two-Phase Flow in Homogeneous Porous Medium}},
author = {Bene{\v s}, M. and Fu{\v c}{\'\i}k, R. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
journal = {Journal of Porous Media},
year = {2009},
volume = {12},
number = {12},
pages = {1139--1152}
Fučík, R. and Mikyška, J. and Beneš, M. and Illangasekare, T.H., Semianalytical Solution for Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media with a Discontinuity, Vadose Zone Journal 7 (2008) , 1001-1007
title = {{Semianalytical Solution for Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media with a Discontinuity}},
author = {Fu{\v c}{\'\i}k, R. and Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Bene{\v s}, M. and Illangasekare, T.H.},
journal = {Vadose Zone Journal},
year = {2008},
volume = {7},
number = {3},
pages = {1001--1007},
month = {8}
title = {{Semianalytical Solution for Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media with a Discontinuity}},
author = {Fu{\v c}{\'\i}k, R. and Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Bene{\v s}, M. and Illangasekare, T.H.},
journal = {Vadose Zone Journal},
year = {2008},
volume = {7},
number = {3},
pages = {1001--1007},
month = {8}
Mikyška, J. and Illangasekare, T.H., Influence of Capillary Pressure Parametrs on Two-phase Flow, Kybernetika 43 (2007) , 831-840
title = {{Influence of Capillary Pressure Parametrs on Two-phase Flow}},
author = {Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Illangasekare, T.H.},
journal = {Kybernetika},
year = {2007},
volume = {43},
number = {6},
pages = {831--840},
month = {june}
title = {{Influence of Capillary Pressure Parametrs on Two-phase Flow}},
author = {Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Illangasekare, T.H.},
journal = {Kybernetika},
year = {2007},
volume = {43},
number = {6},
pages = {831--840},
month = {june}
Mikyška, J. and Illangasekare, T.H., Application of a multiphase flow code for investigation of influence of capillary pressure parameters on two-phase flow, Kybernetika 43 (2007) , 831-840
title = {{Application of a multiphase flow code for investigation of influence of capillary pressure parameters on two-phase flow}},
author = {Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Illangasekare, T.H.},
journal = {Kybernetika},
year = {2007},
volume = {43},
number = {6},
pages = {831--840}
title = {{Application of a multiphase flow code for investigation of influence of capillary pressure parameters on two-phase flow}},
author = {Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Illangasekare, T.H.},
journal = {Kybernetika},
year = {2007},
volume = {43},
number = {6},
pages = {831--840}
Fučík, R. and Mikyška, J. and Beneš, M. and Illangasekare, T.H., An Improved Semi-Analytical Solution for Verification of Numerical Models of Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media, Vadose Zone Journal 2007 (2007) , 93-104
title = {{An Improved Semi-Analytical Solution for Verification of Numerical Models of Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media}},
author = {Fu{\v c}{\'\i}k, R. and Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Bene{\v s}, M. and Illangasekare, T.H.},
journal = {Vadose Zone Journal},
year = {2007},
volume = {2007},
number = {6},
pages = {93--104},
month = {June}
title = {{An Improved Semi-Analytical Solution for Verification of Numerical Models of Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media}},
author = {Fu{\v c}{\'\i}k, R. and Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Bene{\v s}, M. and Illangasekare, T.H.},
journal = {Vadose Zone Journal},
year = {2007},
volume = {2007},
number = {6},
pages = {93--104},
month = {June}
Beneš, M. and Illangasekare, T.H. and Mikyška, J., On the Numerical Treatment of Sharp Texture Transitions in Two-Phase Flow, COE Lecture Note Series: Kyushu University 2005 (2006) , 106-116
title = {{On the Numerical Treatment of Sharp Texture Transitions in Two-Phase Flow}},
author = {Bene{\v s}, M. and Illangasekare, T.H. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
journal = {COE Lecture Note Series: Kyushu University},
year = {2006},
volume = {2005},
number = {3},
pages = {106--116}
title = {{On the Numerical Treatment of Sharp Texture Transitions in Two-Phase Flow}},
author = {Bene{\v s}, M. and Illangasekare, T.H. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
journal = {COE Lecture Note Series: Kyushu University},
year = {2006},
volume = {2005},
number = {3},
pages = {106--116}
Contributions in proceedings
Polívka, O. and Mikyška, J., Compositional Modeling in Porous Media Using Constant Volume Flash and Flux Computation without the Need for Phase Identification, Doktorandské dny 2013, (2013) , 233-234, Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT
title = {{Compositional Modeling in Porous Media Using Constant Volume Flash and Flux Computation without the Need for Phase Identification}},
author = {Pol{\'\i}vka, O. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
address = {Praha},
booktitle = {{Doktorandsk{\' e} dny 2013}},
publisher = {{\v C}esk{\' a} technika - nakladatelstv{\'\i} {\v C}VUT},
year = {2013},
pages = {233--234}
title = {{Compositional Modeling in Porous Media Using Constant Volume Flash and Flux Computation without the Need for Phase Identification}},
author = {Pol{\'\i}vka, O. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
address = {Praha},
booktitle = {{Doktorandsk{\' e} dny 2013}},
publisher = {{\v C}esk{\' a} technika - nakladatelstv{\'\i} {\v C}VUT},
year = {2013},
pages = {233--234}
Polívka, O. and Mikyška, J., Combined Mixed-Hybrid Finite Element-Finite Volume Scheme for Computation of Multicomponent Compressible Flow in Porous Media, Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications 2011, (2013) , 559-567, Springer
title = {{Combined Mixed-Hybrid Finite Element-Finite Volume Scheme for Computation of Multicomponent Compressible Flow in Porous Media}},
author = {Pol{\'\i}vka, O. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
address = {Heidelberg},
booktitle = {{Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications 2011}},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2013},
pages = {559--567}
title = {{Combined Mixed-Hybrid Finite Element-Finite Volume Scheme for Computation of Multicomponent Compressible Flow in Porous Media}},
author = {Pol{\'\i}vka, O. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
address = {Heidelberg},
booktitle = {{Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications 2011}},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2013},
pages = {559--567}
Polívka, O. and Mikyška, J., Numerická simulace doufázového stlačitelného proudění směsi v porézním prostředí, Doktorandské dny 2012, (2012) , 199-207, Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT
title = {{Numerick{\' a} simulace douf{\' a}zov{\' e}ho stla{\v c}iteln{\' e}ho proud{\v e}n{\'\i} sm{\v e}si v por{\' e}zn{\'\i}m prost{\v r}ed{\'\i}}},
author = {Pol{\'\i}vka, O. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
address = {Praha},
booktitle = {{Doktorandsk{\' e} dny 2012}},
publisher = {{\v C}esk{\' a} technika - nakladatelstv{\'\i} {\v C}VUT},
year = {2012},
pages = {199--207}
title = {{Numerick{\' a} simulace douf{\' a}zov{\' e}ho stla{\v c}iteln{\' e}ho proud{\v e}n{\'\i} sm{\v e}si v por{\' e}zn{\'\i}m prost{\v r}ed{\'\i}}},
author = {Pol{\'\i}vka, O. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
address = {Praha},
booktitle = {{Doktorandsk{\' e} dny 2012}},
publisher = {{\v C}esk{\' a} technika - nakladatelstv{\'\i} {\v C}VUT},
year = {2012},
pages = {199--207}
Mikyška, J., Matematické modelování ukládání CO2 do podzemí, Výsledky výzkumu, vývoje a inovací pro obnovitelné zdroje energie, (2012) , 1-6, CEMC
title = {{Matematick{\' e} modelov{\' a}n{\'\i} ukl{\' a}d{\' a}n{\'\i} CO2 do podzem{\'\i}}},
author = {Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
address = {Praha},
booktitle = {{V{\' y}sledky v{\' y}zkumu, v{\' y}voje a inovac{\'\i} pro obnoviteln{\' e} zdroje energie}},
publisher = {CEMC},
year = {2012},
pages = {1--6}
title = {{Matematick{\' e} modelov{\' a}n{\'\i} ukl{\' a}d{\' a}n{\'\i} CO2 do podzem{\'\i}}},
author = {Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
address = {Praha},
booktitle = {{V{\' y}sledky v{\' y}zkumu, v{\' y}voje a inovac{\'\i} pro obnoviteln{\' e} zdroje energie}},
publisher = {CEMC},
year = {2012},
pages = {1--6}
Polívka, O. and Mikyška, J., Numerický model pro výpočet proudění směsi v porézním prostředí, Doktorandské dny 2011, (2011) , 175-184, Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT
title = {{Numerick{\' y} model pro v{\' y}po{\v c}et proud{\v e}n{\'\i} sm{\v e}si v por{\' e}zn{\'\i}m prost{\v r}ed{\'\i}}},
author = {Pol{\'\i}vka, O. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
address = {Praha},
booktitle = {{Doktorandsk{\' e} dny 2011}},
publisher = {{\v C}esk{\' a} technika - nakladatelstv{\'\i} {\v C}VUT},
year = {2011},
pages = {175--184}
title = {{Numerick{\' y} model pro v{\' y}po{\v c}et proud{\v e}n{\'\i} sm{\v e}si v por{\' e}zn{\'\i}m prost{\v r}ed{\'\i}}},
author = {Pol{\'\i}vka, O. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
address = {Praha},
booktitle = {{Doktorandsk{\' e} dny 2011}},
publisher = {{\v C}esk{\' a} technika - nakladatelstv{\'\i} {\v C}VUT},
year = {2011},
pages = {175--184}
Polívka, O. and Mikyška, J., Numerical Modeling of Multicomponent Flow in the Subsurface, Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2011, (2011) , 93-96, Institute of Thermomechanics, AS CR, v.v.i.
title = {{Numerical Modeling of Multicomponent Flow in the Subsurface}},
author = {Pol{\'\i}vka, O. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
address = {Prague},
booktitle = {{Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2011}},
publisher = {Institute of Thermomechanics, AS CR, v.v.i.},
year = {2011},
pages = {93--96}
title = {{Numerical Modeling of Multicomponent Flow in the Subsurface}},
author = {Pol{\'\i}vka, O. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
address = {Prague},
booktitle = {{Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2011}},
publisher = {Institute of Thermomechanics, AS CR, v.v.i.},
year = {2011},
pages = {93--96}
Marková, K. and Mikyška, J., New Thermodynamic Formulation for Phase-Splitting at Constant Temperature, Moles, and Volume, Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2011, (2011) , 69-72, Institute of Thermomechanics, AS CR, v.v.i.
title = {{New Thermodynamic Formulation for Phase-Splitting at Constant Temperature, Moles, and Volume}},
author = {Markov{\' a}, K. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
address = {Prague},
booktitle = {{Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2011}},
publisher = {Institute of Thermomechanics, AS CR, v.v.i.},
year = {2011},
pages = {69--72}
title = {{New Thermodynamic Formulation for Phase-Splitting at Constant Temperature, Moles, and Volume}},
author = {Markov{\' a}, K. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
address = {Prague},
booktitle = {{Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2011}},
publisher = {Institute of Thermomechanics, AS CR, v.v.i.},
year = {2011},
pages = {69--72}
Marková, K. and Mikyška, J., Rovnovážné fázové přechody při konstantním objemu, Doktorandské dny 2011, (2011) , 135-143, Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT
title = {{Rovnov{\' a}{\v z}n{\' e} f{\' a}zov{\' e} p{\v r}echody p{\v r}i konstantn{\'\i}m objemu}},
author = {Markov{\' a}, K. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
address = {Praha},
booktitle = {{Doktorandsk{\' e} dny 2011}},
publisher = {{\v C}esk{\' a} technika - nakladatelstv{\'\i} {\v C}VUT},
year = {2011},
pages = {135--143}
title = {{Rovnov{\' a}{\v z}n{\' e} f{\' a}zov{\' e} p{\v r}echody p{\v r}i konstantn{\'\i}m objemu}},
author = {Markov{\' a}, K. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
address = {Praha},
booktitle = {{Doktorandsk{\' e} dny 2011}},
publisher = {{\v C}esk{\' a} technika - nakladatelstv{\'\i} {\v C}VUT},
year = {2011},
pages = {135--143}
Mikyška, J., O aplikaci metod vyššího řádu přesnosti pro simulaci stlačitelného dvoufázového vícekomponentního proudění v porézním p, Zpracování a interpretace dat z průzkumných a sanačních prací VI, 25.-26. listopadu 2009, Žďár nad Sázavou, Pecinová Alena, Halousková, (2009) , 58-61, Vodní zdroje EKOMONITOR, spol. s r.o.
title = {{O aplikaci metod vy{\v s}{\v s}{\'\i}ho {\v r}{\' a}du p{\v r}esnosti pro simulaci stla{\v c}iteln{\' e}ho dvouf{\' a}zov{\' e}ho v{\'\i}cekomponentn{\'\i}ho proud{\v e}n{\'\i} v por{\' e}zn{\'\i}m p},
author = {Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
address = {Chrudim},
booktitle = {{Zpracov{\' a}n{\'\i} a interpretace dat z pr{\r u}zkumn{\' y}ch a sana{\v c}n{\'\i}ch prac{\'\i} VI, 25.-26. listopadu 2009, {\v Z}{\v d}{\' a}r nad S{\' a}zavou, Pecinov{\' a} Alena, Halouskov{\' a}},
publisher = {Vodn{\'\i} zdroje EKOMONITOR, spol. s r.o.},
year = {2009},
pages = {58--61}
title = {{O aplikaci metod vy{\v s}{\v s}{\'\i}ho {\v r}{\' a}du p{\v r}esnosti pro simulaci stla{\v c}iteln{\' e}ho dvouf{\' a}zov{\' e}ho v{\'\i}cekomponentn{\'\i}ho proud{\v e}n{\'\i} v por{\' e}zn{\'\i}m p},
author = {Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
address = {Chrudim},
booktitle = {{Zpracov{\' a}n{\'\i} a interpretace dat z pr{\r u}zkumn{\' y}ch a sana{\v c}n{\'\i}ch prac{\'\i} VI, 25.-26. listopadu 2009, {\v Z}{\v d}{\' a}r nad S{\' a}zavou, Pecinov{\' a} Alena, Halouskov{\' a}},
publisher = {Vodn{\'\i} zdroje EKOMONITOR, spol. s r.o.},
year = {2009},
pages = {58--61}
Fučík, R. and Mikyška, J. and Sakaki, T. and Illangasekare, T.H., Numerical study of the effect of dynamic capillary pressure in porous medium, Proceedings of Czech-Japanese Seminar in Applied Mathematics 2008, (2009) , 14-30, Kyushu University
title = {{Numerical study of the effect of dynamic capillary pressure in porous medium}},
author = {Fu{\v c}{\'\i}k, R. and Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Sakaki, T. and Illangasekare, T.H.},
address = {Fukuoka},
booktitle = {{Proceedings of Czech-Japanese Seminar in Applied Mathematics 2008}},
publisher = {Kyushu University},
year = {2009},
pages = {14--30}
title = {{Numerical study of the effect of dynamic capillary pressure in porous medium}},
author = {Fu{\v c}{\'\i}k, R. and Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Sakaki, T. and Illangasekare, T.H.},
address = {Fukuoka},
booktitle = {{Proceedings of Czech-Japanese Seminar in Applied Mathematics 2008}},
publisher = {Kyushu University},
year = {2009},
pages = {14--30}
Fučík, R. and Mikyška, J., Numerické simulace dvoufázového nestlačitelného a nemísivého proudění v porézním prostředí, Zpracování a interpretace dat z průzkumných a sanačních prací VI, 25.-26. listopadu 2009, Žďár nad Sázavou, Pecinová Alena, Halousková, (2009) , 62-67, Vodní zdroje EKOMONITOR, spol. s r.o.
title = {{Numerick{\' e} simulace dvouf{\' a}zov{\' e}ho nestla{\v c}iteln{\' e}ho a nem{\'\i}siv{\' e}ho proud{\v e}n{\'\i} v por{\' e}zn{\'\i}m prost{\v r}ed{\'\i}}},
author = {Fu{\v c}{\'\i}k, R. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
address = {Chrudim},
booktitle = {{Zpracov{\' a}n{\'\i} a interpretace dat z pr{\r u}zkumn{\' y}ch a sana{\v c}n{\'\i}ch prac{\'\i} VI, 25.-26. listopadu 2009, {\v Z}{\v d}{\' a}r nad S{\' a}zavou, Pecinov{\' a} Alena, Halouskov{\' a}},
publisher = {Vodn{\'\i} zdroje EKOMONITOR, spol. s r.o.},
year = {2009},
pages = {62--67}
title = {{Numerick{\' e} simulace dvouf{\' a}zov{\' e}ho nestla{\v c}iteln{\' e}ho a nem{\'\i}siv{\' e}ho proud{\v e}n{\'\i} v por{\' e}zn{\'\i}m prost{\v r}ed{\'\i}}},
author = {Fu{\v c}{\'\i}k, R. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
address = {Chrudim},
booktitle = {{Zpracov{\' a}n{\'\i} a interpretace dat z pr{\r u}zkumn{\' y}ch a sana{\v c}n{\'\i}ch prac{\'\i} VI, 25.-26. listopadu 2009, {\v Z}{\v d}{\' a}r nad S{\' a}zavou, Pecinov{\' a} Alena, Halouskov{\' a}},
publisher = {Vodn{\'\i} zdroje EKOMONITOR, spol. s r.o.},
year = {2009},
pages = {62--67}
Mikyška, J. and Beneš, P., Konvergenční analýza upwindového schématu pro konvekční rovnici implementovaného pomocí knihovny UG, Proceedings of Seminar of Numerical Analysis 2008, (2008) , 9-11, Technická univerzita
title = {{Konvergen{\v c}n{\'\i} anal{\' y}za upwindov{\' e}ho sch{\' e}matu pro konvek{\v c}n{\'\i} rovnici implementovan{\' e}ho pomoc{\'\i} knihovny UG}},
author = {Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Bene{\v s}, P.},
address = {Liberec},
booktitle = {{Proceedings of Seminar of Numerical Analysis 2008}},
publisher = {Technick{\' a} univerzita},
year = {2008},
pages = {9--11}
title = {{Konvergen{\v c}n{\'\i} anal{\' y}za upwindov{\' e}ho sch{\' e}matu pro konvek{\v c}n{\'\i} rovnici implementovan{\' e}ho pomoc{\'\i} knihovny UG}},
author = {Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Bene{\v s}, P.},
address = {Liberec},
booktitle = {{Proceedings of Seminar of Numerical Analysis 2008}},
publisher = {Technick{\' a} univerzita},
year = {2008},
pages = {9--11}
Fučík, R. and Mikyška, J., One dimensional numerical model including dynamic effect in capillary pressure - saturation relationship, Proceedings of Seminar of Numerical Analysis 2008, (2008) , 45-48, Technical University
title = {{One dimensional numerical model including dynamic effect in capillary pressure - saturation relationship}},
author = {Fu{\v c}{\'\i}k, R. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
address = {Liberec},
booktitle = {{Proceedings of Seminar of Numerical Analysis 2008}},
publisher = {Technical University},
year = {2008},
pages = {45--48}
title = {{One dimensional numerical model including dynamic effect in capillary pressure - saturation relationship}},
author = {Fu{\v c}{\'\i}k, R. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
address = {Liberec},
booktitle = {{Proceedings of Seminar of Numerical Analysis 2008}},
publisher = {Technical University},
year = {2008},
pages = {45--48}
Mikyška, J. and Beneš, M. and Illangasekare, T.H., VODA Multiphase Flow Code for Investigation of NAPL Behavior at Heterogeneous Sand Layers, Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Porous Media and its Applications in Science and Engineering, (2007) , -, Universita of California
title = {{VODA Multiphase Flow Code for Investigation of NAPL Behavior at Heterogeneous Sand Layers}},
author = {Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Bene{\v s}, M. and Illangasekare, T.H.},
address = {Havai},
booktitle = {{Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Porous Media and its Applications in Science and Engineering}},
publisher = {Universita of California},
year = {2007},
pages = {--}
title = {{VODA Multiphase Flow Code for Investigation of NAPL Behavior at Heterogeneous Sand Layers}},
author = {Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Bene{\v s}, M. and Illangasekare, T.H.},
address = {Havai},
booktitle = {{Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Porous Media and its Applications in Science and Engineering}},
publisher = {Universita of California},
year = {2007},
pages = {--}
Beneš, M. and Fučík, R. and Mikyška, J. and Illangasekare, T.H., Analytical and Numerical Solution for One-Dimensional Two-Phase Flow in Homogeneous Porous Medium, Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Porous Media and its Applications in Science and Engineering, (2007) , -, Universita of California
title = {{Analytical and Numerical Solution for One-Dimensional Two-Phase Flow in Homogeneous Porous Medium}},
author = {Bene{\v s}, M. and Fu{\v c}{\'\i}k, R. and Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Illangasekare, T.H.},
address = {Havai},
booktitle = {{Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Porous Media and its Applications in Science and Engineering}},
publisher = {Universita of California},
year = {2007},
pages = {--}
title = {{Analytical and Numerical Solution for One-Dimensional Two-Phase Flow in Homogeneous Porous Medium}},
author = {Bene{\v s}, M. and Fu{\v c}{\'\i}k, R. and Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Illangasekare, T.H.},
address = {Havai},
booktitle = {{Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Porous Media and its Applications in Science and Engineering}},
publisher = {Universita of California},
year = {2007},
pages = {--}
Mikyška, J. and Illangasekare, T., Application of a Multiphase Flow Model for Simulations of NAPL Behavior at Inclined Material Interfaces, Proceedings of Czech - Japanese Seminar in Applied Mathematics 2004, (2005) , 117-127, ČVUT, Fakulta jaderná a fyzikálně inženýrská
title = {{Application of a Multiphase Flow Model for Simulations of NAPL Behavior at Inclined Material Interfaces}},
author = {Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Illangasekare, T.},
address = {Praha},
booktitle = {{Proceedings of Czech - Japanese Seminar in Applied Mathematics 2004}},
publisher = {{\v C}VUT, Fakulta jadern{\' a} a fyzik{\' a}ln{\v e} in{\v z}en{\' y}rsk{\' a}},
year = {2005},
pages = {117--127}
title = {{Application of a Multiphase Flow Model for Simulations of NAPL Behavior at Inclined Material Interfaces}},
author = {Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Illangasekare, T.},
address = {Praha},
booktitle = {{Proceedings of Czech - Japanese Seminar in Applied Mathematics 2004}},
publisher = {{\v C}VUT, Fakulta jadern{\' a} a fyzik{\' a}ln{\v e} in{\v z}en{\' y}rsk{\' a}},
year = {2005},
pages = {117--127}
Mikyška, J. and Fucik, R. and Illangasekarte, T., Evaluation of Saturation-dependent Flux on Two-Phase Flow Using Generalized Semi-Analytic Solution, Proceedings of Czech - Japanese Seminar in Applied Mathematics 2004, (2005) , 23-25, ČVUT, Fakulta jaderná a fyzikálně inženýrská
title = {{Evaluation of Saturation-dependent Flux on Two-Phase Flow Using Generalized Semi-Analytic Solution}},
author = {Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Fucik, R. and Illangasekarte, T.},
address = {Praha},
booktitle = {{Proceedings of Czech - Japanese Seminar in Applied Mathematics 2004}},
publisher = {{\v C}VUT, Fakulta jadern{\' a} a fyzik{\' a}ln{\v e} in{\v z}en{\' y}rsk{\' a}},
year = {2005},
pages = {23--25}
title = {{Evaluation of Saturation-dependent Flux on Two-Phase Flow Using Generalized Semi-Analytic Solution}},
author = {Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Fucik, R. and Illangasekarte, T.},
address = {Praha},
booktitle = {{Proceedings of Czech - Japanese Seminar in Applied Mathematics 2004}},
publisher = {{\v C}VUT, Fakulta jadern{\' a} a fyzik{\' a}ln{\v e} in{\v z}en{\' y}rsk{\' a}},
year = {2005},
pages = {23--25}
Fučík, R. and Illangasekare, T.H. and Mikyška, J., Evaluation of Saturation-dependent Flux on Two-Phase Flow Using Generalized Semi-Analytic Solution, Proceedings of Czech - Japanese Seminar in Applied Mathematics 2004, (2005) , 23-35, ČVUT, Fakulta jaderná a fyzikálně inženýrská
title = {{Evaluation of Saturation-dependent Flux on Two-Phase Flow Using Generalized Semi-Analytic Solution}},
author = {Fu{\v c}{\'\i}k, R. and Illangasekare, T.H. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
address = {Praha},
booktitle = {{Proceedings of Czech - Japanese Seminar in Applied Mathematics 2004}},
publisher = {{\v C}VUT, Fakulta jadern{\' a} a fyzik{\' a}ln{\v e} in{\v z}en{\' y}rsk{\' a}},
year = {2005},
pages = {23--35}
title = {{Evaluation of Saturation-dependent Flux on Two-Phase Flow Using Generalized Semi-Analytic Solution}},
author = {Fu{\v c}{\'\i}k, R. and Illangasekare, T.H. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
address = {Praha},
booktitle = {{Proceedings of Czech - Japanese Seminar in Applied Mathematics 2004}},
publisher = {{\v C}VUT, Fakulta jadern{\' a} a fyzik{\' a}ln{\v e} in{\v z}en{\' y}rsk{\' a}},
year = {2005},
pages = {23--35}
Beneš, M. and Illangasekare, T. and Mikyška, J. and Turner, A., Development and Validation of a Multiphase Flow Model for Applications in NAPL behaviour in Heterogeneous Porous Medium, Zpracování a interpretace dat z průzkumných a sanačních prací II, (2005) , 20-23, Ekomonitor, Vodní zdroje
title = {{Development and Validation of a Multiphase Flow Model for Applications in NAPL behaviour in Heterogeneous Porous Medium}},
author = {Bene{\v s}, M. and Illangasekare, T. and Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Turner, A.},
address = {Chrudim},
booktitle = {{Zpracov{\' a}n{\'\i} a interpretace dat z pr{\r u}zkumn{\' y}ch a sana{\v c}n{\'\i}ch prac{\'\i} II}},
publisher = {Ekomonitor, Vodn{\'\i} zdroje},
year = {2005},
pages = {20--23}
title = {{Development and Validation of a Multiphase Flow Model for Applications in NAPL behaviour in Heterogeneous Porous Medium}},
author = {Bene{\v s}, M. and Illangasekare, T. and Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Turner, A.},
address = {Chrudim},
booktitle = {{Zpracov{\' a}n{\'\i} a interpretace dat z pr{\r u}zkumn{\' y}ch a sana{\v c}n{\'\i}ch prac{\'\i} II}},
publisher = {Ekomonitor, Vodn{\'\i} zdroje},
year = {2005},
pages = {20--23}
Mikyška, J. and Beneš, M. and Turner, A. and Illangasekare, T.H., Development and Validation of a Multiphase Flow Model for Applications in NAPL Behaviour in Highly Heterogeneous Aquifer Formations, Proceedings on FEM_MODFLOW and More, (2004) , 215-218, Přírodovědecká fakulta University Karlovy
title = {{Development and Validation of a Multiphase Flow Model for Applications in NAPL Behaviour in Highly Heterogeneous Aquifer Formations}},
author = {Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Bene{\v s}, M. and Turner, A. and Illangasekare, T.H.},
address = {Praha},
booktitle = {{Proceedings on FEM_MODFLOW and More}},
publisher = {P{\v r}{\'\i}rodov{\v e}deck{\' a} fakulta University Karlovy},
year = {2004},
volume = {!},
pages = {215--218}
title = {{Development and Validation of a Multiphase Flow Model for Applications in NAPL Behaviour in Highly Heterogeneous Aquifer Formations}},
author = {Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Bene{\v s}, M. and Turner, A. and Illangasekare, T.H.},
address = {Praha},
booktitle = {{Proceedings on FEM_MODFLOW and More}},
publisher = {P{\v r}{\'\i}rodov{\v e}deck{\' a} fakulta University Karlovy},
year = {2004},
volume = {!},
pages = {215--218}
Beneš, M. and Mikyška, J. and Šenkýř, M., Application of parallel computing techniques for problems of degenerate diffudion, in Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Application, Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Application, (2004) , 756-765, Springer
title = {{Application of parallel computing techniques for problems of degenerate diffudion, in Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Application}},
author = {Bene{\v s}, M. and Miky{\v s}ka, J. and {\v S}enk{\' y}{\v r}, M.},
address = {Berlin},
booktitle = {{Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Application}},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2004},
pages = {756--765}
title = {{Application of parallel computing techniques for problems of degenerate diffudion, in Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Application}},
author = {Bene{\v s}, M. and Miky{\v s}ka, J. and {\v S}enk{\' y}{\v r}, M.},
address = {Berlin},
booktitle = {{Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Application}},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2004},
pages = {756--765}
Beneš, M. and Fučík, R. and Mikyška, J. and Illangasekare, T.H., Generalization of the benchmark solution for the two-phase porous-media flow, Proceedings on FEM_MODFLOW and More, (2004) , 181-184, Přírodovědecká fakulta University Karlovy
title = {{Generalization of the benchmark solution for the two-phase porous-media flow}},
author = {Bene{\v s}, M. and Fu{\v c}{\'\i}k, R. and Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Illangasekare, T.H.},
address = {Praha},
booktitle = {{Proceedings on FEM_MODFLOW and More}},
publisher = {P{\v r}{\'\i}rodov{\v e}deck{\' a} fakulta University Karlovy},
year = {2004},
volume = {1},
pages = {181--184}
title = {{Generalization of the benchmark solution for the two-phase porous-media flow}},
author = {Bene{\v s}, M. and Fu{\v c}{\'\i}k, R. and Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Illangasekare, T.H.},
address = {Praha},
booktitle = {{Proceedings on FEM_MODFLOW and More}},
publisher = {P{\v r}{\'\i}rodov{\v e}deck{\' a} fakulta University Karlovy},
year = {2004},
volume = {1},
pages = {181--184}
Beneš, M. and Mikyška, J., Geothermal Flow in Porous Media, Proceedings on Equadiff 10, (2002) , 25-36, Masaryk University
title = {{Geothermal Flow in Porous Media}},
author = {Bene{\v s}, M. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
address = {Brno},
booktitle = {{Proceedings on Equadiff 10}},
publisher = {Masaryk University},
year = {2002},
pages = {25--36}
title = {{Geothermal Flow in Porous Media}},
author = {Bene{\v s}, M. and Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
address = {Brno},
booktitle = {{Proceedings on Equadiff 10}},
publisher = {Masaryk University},
year = {2002},
pages = {25--36}
Mikyška, J., Modelling Geothermal Flow Using Streamfunction Formulation, ACOMAN 2002, (2002) , -, A. A. Balkema Publisher
title = {{Modelling Geothermal Flow Using Streamfunction Formulation}},
author = {Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
address = {Lisse},
booktitle = {{ACOMAN 2002}},
publisher = {A. A. Balkema Publisher},
year = {2002},
pages = {--}
title = {{Modelling Geothermal Flow Using Streamfunction Formulation}},
author = {Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
address = {Lisse},
booktitle = {{ACOMAN 2002}},
publisher = {A. A. Balkema Publisher},
year = {2002},
pages = {--}
Mikyška, J., Matematické modelování ukládání CO2 do podzemí, , () , -,
title = {{Matematick{\' e} modelov{\' a}n{\'\i} ukl{\' a}d{\' a}n{\'\i} CO2 do podzem{\'\i}}},
author = {Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
booktitle = {{}},
pages = {--}
title = {{Matematick{\' e} modelov{\' a}n{\'\i} ukl{\' a}d{\' a}n{\'\i} CO2 do podzem{\'\i}}},
author = {Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
booktitle = {{}},
pages = {--}
Mikyška, J., Matematické modelování ukládání CO2 do podzemí, , () , -,
title = {{Matematick{\' e} modelov{\' a}n{\'\i} ukl{\' a}d{\' a}n{\'\i} CO2 do podzem{\'\i}}},
author = {Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
booktitle = {{}},
pages = {--}
title = {{Matematick{\' e} modelov{\' a}n{\'\i} ukl{\' a}d{\' a}n{\'\i} CO2 do podzem{\'\i}}},
author = {Miky{\v s}ka, J.},
booktitle = {{}},
pages = {--}
Beneš, M. and Mikyška, J. and Oberhuber, T. and Bednařík, P., Quench Tank Internal Geometry Optimization, 2006
title = {{Quench Tank Internal Geometry Optimization}},
author = {Bene{\v s}, M. and Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Oberhuber, T. and Bedna{\v r}{\'\i}k, P.},
address = {Prague},
institution = {Caterpillar, Inc.},
publisher = {Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering},
year = {2006},
number = {Inter},
pages = {35}
title = {{Quench Tank Internal Geometry Optimization}},
author = {Bene{\v s}, M. and Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Oberhuber, T. and Bedna{\v r}{\'\i}k, P.},
address = {Prague},
institution = {Caterpillar, Inc.},
publisher = {Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering},
year = {2006},
number = {Inter},
pages = {35}
Beneš, M. and Mikyška, J. and Oberhuber, T. and Bednařík, P., Quench Tank Internal Geometry Optimization II, 2006
title = {{Quench Tank Internal Geometry Optimization II}},
author = {Bene{\v s}, M. and Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Oberhuber, T. and Bedna{\v r}{\'\i}k, P.},
address = {Prague},
institution = {Caterpillar, Inc.},
publisher = {Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering},
year = {2006},
number = {Inter},
pages = {106}
title = {{Quench Tank Internal Geometry Optimization II}},
author = {Bene{\v s}, M. and Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Oberhuber, T. and Bedna{\v r}{\'\i}k, P.},
address = {Prague},
institution = {Caterpillar, Inc.},
publisher = {Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering},
year = {2006},
number = {Inter},
pages = {106}
Beneš, M. and Mikyška, J. and Oberhuber, T., Quench Tank Internal Geometry Optimization - Addendum, 2006
title = {{Quench Tank Internal Geometry Optimization - Addendum}},
author = {Bene{\v s}, M. and Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Oberhuber, T.},
address = {Prague},
institution = {Caterpillar, Inc.},
publisher = {Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering},
year = {2006},
number = {Inter},
pages = {25}
title = {{Quench Tank Internal Geometry Optimization - Addendum}},
author = {Bene{\v s}, M. and Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Oberhuber, T.},
address = {Prague},
institution = {Caterpillar, Inc.},
publisher = {Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering},
year = {2006},
number = {Inter},
pages = {25}
Beneš, M. and Mikyška, J. and Oberhuber, T. (ed.), Proceedings of Czech - Japanese Seminar in Applied Mathematics 2004, (2005) , 206, ČVUT, Fakulta jaderná a fyzikálně inženýrská
title = {{Proceedings of Czech - Japanese Seminar in Applied Mathematics 2004}},
address = {Praha},
editor = {Bene{\v s}, M. and Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Oberhuber, T.},
publisher = {{\v C}VUT, Fakulta jadern{\' a} a fyzik{\' a}ln{\v e} in{\v z}en{\' y}rsk{\' a}},
year = {2005},
pages = {206}
title = {{Proceedings of Czech - Japanese Seminar in Applied Mathematics 2004}},
address = {Praha},
editor = {Bene{\v s}, M. and Miky{\v s}ka, J. and Oberhuber, T.},
publisher = {{\v C}VUT, Fakulta jadern{\' a} a fyzik{\' a}ln{\v e} in{\v z}en{\' y}rsk{\' a}},
year = {2005},
pages = {206}
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Radek Fučík | last update: 08/07/2011