Ing. Josef Krofta (Ph.D. alumnus)

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advisor:Ing. Zdeněk Převorovský, CSc.
study start date:01.10.1998
study form:prezenční
title of dissertation thesis:Pravděpodobnostní logická síť jako alternativa umělých neuronových sítí
description:The thesis deals with the development and the test of a new artificial neural network, which is based on the principles of the probabilistic logical network. The newly developed neural network was tested using the weather forecast problem. It was also compared with the backpropagation feedforward 3-layer neural network.

administrator for this page: Václav Klika | last update: 06/21/2022
Trojanova 13, 120 00 Praha 2, tel. +420 770 127 494
Czech Technical Univeristy in Prague | Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering | Department of Mathematics