Ing. Ondřej Lev (Ph.D. alumnus)
advisor: | Prof. Ing. Pavel Šťovíček, DrSc. |
study start date: | 01.10.2002 |
study form: | prezenční |
state exam: | 25.05.2005 |
title of dissertation thesis: | Time-periodic Quantum Systems |
description: | This work deals with the theory of stability of time-periodic quantum systems. We discuss three different notions of stability and their interrelationship. Further, we consider three important methods: the quantum version of the KAM method, so called adiabatic and the anti-adiabatic method, and their use in investigation of stability of systems described by a Hamiltonian of perturbative type H(t) = H0 + V (t). We suppose that the spectrum of H0 is pure point and that T -periodic perturbation V (t) is small in a certain sense. |
administrator for this page:
Václav Klika | last update: 06/21/2022