Ing. Juraj Kováč (doktorand)

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školitel:Doc. Ing. Václav Klika, Ph.D.
zahájení studia:01.10.2020
forma studia:prezenční
státní zkouška:21.12.2023 (s vyznamenáním)
téma disertační práce:Semigroups and non-equilibrium thermodynamics
popis:The aim of non-equilibrium thermodynamics is to present a rather general framework for formulation of thermodynamically consistent models. In an ideal world, we would like to guarantee the knowledge of mathematical well-posedness of the proposed models, which is almost perpendicular to the former approach (function spaces, boundary and initial conditions etc). See the attachment for more details.

za obsah této stránky zodpovídá: Radek Fučík | naposledy změněno: 15.8.2011
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