Ing. Zdeněk Čulík
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Databáze V3S
Aplikace V3S eviduje výsledky vědy a výzkumu a další aktivity vědecko-výzkumných pracovníků ve vědecké komunitě. Aplikace V3S slouží k odesílání výsledků do RIV, exportům pro statistické analýzy i k interním hodnocením vědecko-výzkumné činnosti.
Seznam publikaci ve V3S
Články ve sbornících
Beneš, M. and Strachota, P. and Čulík, Z., Quantitative Aspects of Microstructure Formation in Solidification, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling, (2008) , 746-751, Florida State University
title = {{Quantitative Aspects of Microstructure Formation in Solidification}},
author = {Bene{\v s}, M. and Strachota, P. and {\v C}ul{\'\i}k, Z.},
address = {Tallahassee},
booktitle = {{Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling}},
publisher = {Florida State University},
year = {2008},
volume = {1},
pages = {746--751}
title = {{Quantitative Aspects of Microstructure Formation in Solidification}},
author = {Bene{\v s}, M. and Strachota, P. and {\v C}ul{\'\i}k, Z.},
address = {Tallahassee},
booktitle = {{Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling}},
publisher = {Florida State University},
year = {2008},
volume = {1},
pages = {746--751}
Beneš, M. and Minárik, M. and Pauš, P. and Čulík, Z., Moving Boundaries in Material Science, DMHF2007 COE Conference on the Development of Dynamic Mathematics with High Functionality, (2007) , 61-64, Kyushu University
title = {{Moving Boundaries in Material Science}},
author = {Bene{\v s}, M. and Min{\' a}rik, M. and Pau{\v s}, P. and {\v C}ul{\'\i}k, Z.},
address = {Fukuoka},
booktitle = {{DMHF2007 COE Conference on the Development of Dynamic Mathematics with High Functionality}},
publisher = {Kyushu University},
year = {2007},
pages = {61--64}
title = {{Moving Boundaries in Material Science}},
author = {Bene{\v s}, M. and Min{\' a}rik, M. and Pau{\v s}, P. and {\v C}ul{\'\i}k, Z.},
address = {Fukuoka},
booktitle = {{DMHF2007 COE Conference on the Development of Dynamic Mathematics with High Functionality}},
publisher = {Kyushu University},
year = {2007},
pages = {61--64}
Beneš, M. and Čulík, Z., Simulation of Anisotropic Microstrukture Growth in Soliditification, Sborník 5. Matematický workshop s mezinárodní účastí, (2006) , 25-26, VUT v Brně, Fakulta stavební
title = {{Simulation of Anisotropic Microstrukture Growth in Soliditification}},
author = {Bene{\v s}, M. and {\v C}ul{\'\i}k, Z.},
address = {Brno},
booktitle = {{Sborn{\'\i}k 5. Matematick{\' y} workshop s mezin{\' a}rodn{\'\i} {\' u}{\v c}ast{\'\i}}},
publisher = {VUT v Brn{\v e}, Fakulta stavebn{\'\i}},
year = {2006},
pages = {25--26}
title = {{Simulation of Anisotropic Microstrukture Growth in Soliditification}},
author = {Bene{\v s}, M. and {\v C}ul{\'\i}k, Z.},
address = {Brno},
booktitle = {{Sborn{\'\i}k 5. Matematick{\' y} workshop s mezin{\' a}rodn{\'\i} {\' u}{\v c}ast{\'\i}}},
publisher = {VUT v Brn{\v e}, Fakulta stavebn{\'\i}},
year = {2006},
pages = {25--26}
Čulík, Z. and Straka, R., Numerical Aspects of a Bacteria Growth Model, Algoritmy 2005 - Proceedings of contributed papers and posters , (2005) , 175-184, Slovak University of Technology
title = {{Numerical Aspects of a Bacteria Growth Model}},
author = {{\v C}ul{\'\i}k, Z. and Straka, R.},
address = {Bratislava},
booktitle = {{Algoritmy 2005 - Proceedings of contributed papers and posters }},
publisher = {Slovak University of Technology},
year = {2005},
pages = {175--184}
title = {{Numerical Aspects of a Bacteria Growth Model}},
author = {{\v C}ul{\'\i}k, Z. and Straka, R.},
address = {Bratislava},
booktitle = {{Algoritmy 2005 - Proceedings of contributed papers and posters }},
publisher = {Slovak University of Technology},
year = {2005},
pages = {175--184}
za obsah této stránky zodpovídá:
Radek Fučík | naposledy změněno: 7.8.2011