Emoce v rozhodování: Mohou silné emoce vést ke špatným rozhodnutím?

školitel: Tatiana V. Guy
e-mail: zobrazit e-mail
typ práce: dizertační práce
zaměření: MI_MM, MI_AMSM
popis: Abstrakt: Tradiční ekonomické modely zdůrazňují důležitost racionálních voleb tam, kde by lidé mohli být nahrazeni čistě sobeckými racionálními agenty. Avšak výzkum prokázal, že lidské chování není zdaleka ekonomicky racionální a lidé nevykazují chování racionálních agentů.Porozumění vlivu emocí ovlivňujících jak rozhodovací preference tak vyhodnocování důsledků rozhodování by mělo být podstatnou součástí teorií rozhodování, které dobře popisují reálné rozhodování. Emoce se podstatně uplatňují v rozhodování s více účastníky, což se promítá do pojmů jako „spravedlivost“ či „společenská zodpovědnost“ vztahující se k emočnímu stavu osoby vnímanému osobou jinou. Title: Emotions in decision making: Can strong emotions lead to poor decisions? Abstract: Traditional economic models emphasize the importance of rational choices where purely self-interested rational agents [2] could replace humans. However, research has shown that human behaviour is far from being economically rational and humans failed to reproduce the behaviour of the pure rational agents. Understanding the effects of emotions influencing both DM preferences and evaluation of consequences should be an essential part of creating descriptively valid DM theories. The substantial role played by emotions in decision making and behaviour in a multiple-participants' environment is expressed by concepts like "fairness" and "social sharing" that involve the description of an emotional state by the person who experienced it to another person. Description: Human decision-making has consistently demonstrated deviation from “pure” rationality. Emotions are a primary driver of human actions and the current study [4] has shown how perceived emotions affect decision-making during the Ultimatum Game. In particular, the players were more likely to offer a higher amount of money when making their decision in association with negative emotions and were more likely to accept offers when making their decision in association with positive emotions. The PhD project will establish a well-grounded connection between the rational (economic) DM and emotions and will find their influence on penalisation and modification of a DM goal. The aim of PhD research is to model economic decision making of an individual human agent affected by her emotions. To describe group DM respecting an influence of affective decisions would be an additional topic. Methodology suggested: Uncertainty and incomplete knowledge of the complex DM argues in favour of selecting Bayesian paradigm as a prescriptive framework [5], which uses a complete probabilistic description of the behaviour, [6]. The preliminary work in this direction promises interesting and challenging topic. This PhD project will run in tight collaboration with Neuroeconomic Group, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Lausanne.
literatura: Literature: [1] Thaler, R.H.: From Homo economicus to Homo sapiens. Journal of Economic Perspectives 14, 133–141 (2000) [2] Kahneman, D., Tversky, A.: Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision under Risk. Econometrica 47(2) ,1979. [3] Villa, A.E.P., Missonnier, P., Lintas, A.: Neuroheuristicsof decision Making: from neuronal activity to EEG. In: T.V. Guy, M. Karny, D.H. Wolpert (eds.) Decision Making with Imperfect Decision Makers, vol. 28, pp. 159–194. Springer, Berlin, 2012. [4] Fiori M., Lintas, A., Mesrobian, S.,Villa, A.E.P.: Effect of emotion and personality on deviation from purely rational decision-making In: T.V. Guy, M. Karny, D.H. Wolpert (eds.) , Decision Making and Imperfection, vol. 474, pp. 129-162, Springer, Berlin,2013. [5] J.O. Berger: Statistical Decision Theory and Bayesian Analysis, Springer Series in Statistics, 1985. [6] M. Kárný, T.V. Guy: Fully probabilistic control design. Systems & Control Letters, 55(4), 2006
poznámka: Experience in control theory and/or Bayesian inference will be considered as a plus. Good knowledge of English is essential.
naposledy změněno: 20.11.2017 22:28:53

za obsah této stránky zodpovídá: Ľubomíra Dvořáková | naposledy změněno: 12.9.2011
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