Kooperace v distribuovaném rozhodování
školitel: | Ing. Tatiana V. Guy, Ph.D. |
e-mail: | zobrazit e-mail |
typ práce: | dizertační práce |
zaměření: | MI_MM, MI_AMSM, MINF |
klíčová slova: | cooperation, negotiation, coalition formation |
popis: | Abstrakt: Dynamické rozhodování v netriviálních situacích není realizovatelné jedním agentem. Distribuované řešeni vyžaduje řešení kooperačních úloh. Tématem práce je teoreticko-algoritmická podpora kooperace. Title: Cooperation in distributed decision making. Abstract: Independently performing decision makers should be able to coordinate distribution of their deliberation efforts (scenario when a decision maker stops thinking while other needs to continue deliberation may lead to poor behaviour of both). Moreover, competitive scenario with several decision makers requires ability of each to monitor deliberation process of his neighbours under little knowledge about them. Description: In a very general formulation, dynamic decision making (DDM) could be regarded as the design and coordination of interconnected decisions distributed over a variety of decision makers, either treating some problem of mutual interest or acting within a common environment. Elements of structures emerging in economy and management are examples of agents acting within DDM. Indeed, the vertically integrated organisation structures used in management and economics (e.g., multi-stage production, insurance, investment) have been recently replaced by an ensemble of stand-alone components, which are interconnected via exchange of goods/services/money. The novel organisation structure represents a network system with a variable structure. Thus, the relative performance of the individual network’s components (agents) and interactions between them fully determine the global behaviour of the whole network. The proposed project aims to contribute to theoretical and algorithmic development of cooperation and negotiation aspects while respecting agent imperfection and deliberation. The solution should be applicable to decentralised dynamic DM under complexity and uncertainty. A flat cooperation structure without pre-coordination is considered. The aim of this PhD project is: i) define the cooperation patterns that suit the project objective. ii) formulate basic cooperation and negotiation rules and requirements on the cooperation structure; iii) the theoretical framework of cooperation and negotiation potentially applicable in decentralised DM; iv) Verification of expected properties of the proposed cooperation structures. The proposed topic of doctoral theses can be tailored to the specific PhD student, his/her skills and inclination to theoretical or algorithmic development possibly with emphasise placed on a specific application domain. |
literatura: | Literature: [1] J. C. Harsanyi, Games with Incomplete Information Played by \"Bayesian\" Players, I-III. Part I. The Basic Model Management Science Vol. 14, No. 3, Theory Series, 1967 [2] D. H.Wolpert, J. Grana, B. Tracey, T. Kohler, A. Kolchinsky, Modeling Social Organizations as Communication Networks arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.04449, 2017. [3] M.Kárný, T.V.Guy, A.Bodini, F.Ruggeri, Cooperation via sharing of probabilistic information, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies, p. 139-162, 2009 |
poznámka: | Good knowledge of English is essential. |
naposledy změněno: | 23.05.2018 16:58:44 |
za obsah této stránky zodpovídá:
Ľubomíra Dvořáková | naposledy změněno: 12.9.2011